G.U.A war base
my team Ducking123 , 10boba and lots more can come to my war base any time.
happyNinjaguys castle invaded by ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!
KILL ALL THE ZOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really kill all the zombies.
happyNinaguys happyninja mansoin/tycoon
eat, kill zobies or something or stay at a place
happyNinjaguy's World
it's My world so please go to my WORLD!!!!!!!!
happyNinjaguy's world2!!!
happyNinjaguy's racing place
JUST RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
commando base
this commando base has a big system so it is huge see stuff like robots and stuff it is a cool base with a helicopter!
Ninja camp
become a ninja at ninja camp ware we make you a real Ninja. test your ninja fiting with others.
happyNinjaguy hat keine Kreationen.
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