
  • Canvas

    Started on 9/7/20. Stopped working on it since 6/16/21, however I might continue it again one day. Feel free to try it out though, but be aware that it has bugs and missing features. Prominent missing features: - Can't save - Can't create new template

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  • Model Store [Beta]

    Welcome! I created this place to make it easier for me to provide my models to players, please don't dislike this place because of that. This game is still in beta, because I barely have enough good models to fit the shelves, "metaphorically." I hope that one day, this place will become a huge store for builders and players everywhere to come and buy useful models that they can use to their freedom. Controls: > Shift to sprint || Updates: || Version: 0.63 > More Models! + Fantasy Trees Version: 0.62 > More Models! + Medium Desk + Rolling Chair Version: 0.6 > Leaderstats + Shows Items Bought + Shows Visits amount Version: 0.5 > Release Note: This store was first worked on about a week before the release date, after one year of being an abandoned place. Thanks for trying this game, and feel free to like 👍 and favorite ⭐! Release Date: August 22, 2018 Version: 0.63

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  • 🏙️ City Clicker 💥

    Ever felt like destroying the city!? Well, neither have I, but have fun trying it out anyways, even if it is just on a digital level. Updates : 8/12 - Version 1.12 > Double Meteors Gamepass is now set back to it's original price 8/6 - Version 1.11 > Now accessible on mobile! > Adding in some missing sounds 8/5/2018 - Version 1.01 > Cooldown bug fix This game was just a random project that I worked on, because I was bored. I'm not sure if I plan to update it in the future, but it's possible. Based off of clicker games ☝️ I hope you enjoy this game, and feel free to like 👍 and favorite ⭐ it! If you experience any bugs 🐞, please message 💬 me, so I can try to fix 🛠️ it as soon as possible And, if you have any good ideas 💡 to add to this game, feel free to message 💬 me about it. Release Date: August 5, 2018 Version: 1.12

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  • Spiel-Ideengenerator

    Klicke auf die Glühbirne, um Ideen zu generieren! Dies ist nur ein zufälliges Projekt, das ich gemacht habe. Inspiriert vom Game Idea Generator von Aurasus. Übrigens aktualisiert dieses Spiel auch dann, wenn ich es nur in Roblox Studio überprüfe. Ich habe das seit dem Tag, an dem es erstellt wurde, nie aktualisiert. Wenn Sie Anregungen haben, können Sie mir eine Nachricht schicken! Hoffentlich gefällt es dir!

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