
  • Welcome to my profile!

    See the pics? I like that stuff. Bowser pwns Mario, Dragon Quest IX pwns all other RPGs, Zuko pwns all other pyromaniacs, Marbles pwns all other fat cats, I pwn all other crazy people, Tigers pwn all other animals, GIR pwns all other cute things (however the Dib-human pwns GIR >:U), Animal Crossing pwns all other games about animals, and Roseclaw pwns all other RiverClan O.C.s. In case you haven't noticed, I like pwnful stuff.

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  • GraceGraci Art Info

    Have questions about my Art Trades and Free Art? COME HERE! Don't have questions, but are gonna PM me for an Art Trade or Free Art request? COME HERE!! (Seriously...this is info you'll need to know.)

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  • GraceGraci Art Gallerey **IN PROGRESS**

    Bigyboy's helping me with this, and this is my first building project, so don't criticize mah work XP!!!! Feel free to come and watch it come together! =D

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