
  • Bunker #13

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  • Deep Space

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  • DT Corp. Nuclear Powerplant *Legacy*

    This facility is situated in the Great Plains. Built by some old company no one cares about anymore in the 1980s. DT bought and refurbished it and added in his latest invention. A high powered Nuclear core. The original one was taken out.Yet, something is strange about this core. Yet, none know why. Until now, the Doctor has open the facility to the public. So go in and explore. Supply power to Elmwood and even experience a Nuclear Overload. Updates: NEW! Switched to smooth terrain. New Totally Legit Nuclear Safe Bunker, and "Not a hole we found next to the power-plant".

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  • D.T. Corp Data Storage Facility (FE Update)

    Unlike # computer core this facility is just for saving research data. Powered by # DTonium reactor, this facility is one of # kind! This reactor is highly unstable and is in the testing stages, be careful with it! We hope you have # great time at this massive Facility. updates: Filtering Enabled Activated. Attention: Before spamming "OMG PLOX u got this from so and so." Yes, I purchased it, Edited it and fixed it the best I can. I'm not the only one you know.

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  • DT Corp. Data Storage Sub-Station (Update)

    Welcome to the DT Corporation Data Storage Sub-Station! You know how mail companies have substations for mail... Well, this sub-station is just for computer data! Data is saved here before moving on to the big leagues, or in other words, the large Data Storage Facility. This is one of many sub-stations across the globe! Powered by the second most powerful reactor of the DT Corp, Plutonium reactor. Note that this reactor, is in the testing stages, be rather careful with it!

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  • DT Corp: Établissement de recherche nucléaire

    Mises à jour: Nouvelle intro Meltdown, qui comprend de nouvelles musiques, de nouvelles annonces et d'autres nouvelles fonctionnalités! La deuxième installation de #### Corp. Ici, à 2,4 miles sous terre, nous découvrons la puissance de l'énergie nucléaire. Cette installation peut être dangereuse. Seuls les meilleurs des meilleurs opèrent dans cette installation. Les civils sont autorisés à entrer, mais attention ici... Merci à Virtucon de m'avoir donné ça. Tout cela a été créé par lui.

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  • DT's Laboratory

    Welcome to DT's Laboratory, a facility located in DT's home state, near his home ##### This facility once served as a personal research station for Dr. DT. Since then it was expanded into a full facility! Operate a variety of machines and devices, including DT Corporation's most powerful (and dangerous) reactor yet! Research how a laser can make someone's health increase! Discover many astounding things in DT Corporation's latest facility! Special Thanks to Ok3y11.

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  • Model Making Mania:

    What's that odd looking device can I have it? -No Can I have_____-No Can I play this-No Can I have admin to your places?-No Do you make models here?- Check the title....

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  • DT Corporation Research Facility (Update 2.6)

    Welcome to the DT Corporation Research Facility! Here, we try to bend physics, break physics, and even rewrite the laws of physics. We have lasers, labs, and experiments for you to explore! Updates: New stuff added/bug fixes Just be careful with our largest (and Most destructive) reactor, The Omegium Reactor, (Big Bertha)

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