[✨50% OFF] Sword Idle Animation Pack
Unlocks 6 new Sword Idle Animations! Change how you look while holding your Katana! - Zabuza Pose 1 - Zabuza Pose 2 - Ichigo Pose - Waki no Kamae Stance - 小霞の構え Stance - Sideways Guard Stance To swap idle animations, type these commands in chat with a "!" in front: idle1 idle2 idle3 idle4 idle5 idle6 To swap back to the default idle animation, type "!idle"
Unlocks 6 new Sword Idle Animations! Change how you look while holding your Katana! - Zabuza Pose 1 - Zabuza Pose 2 - Ichigo Pose - Waki no Kamae Stance - 小霞の構え Stance - Sideways Guard Stance To swap idle animations, type these commands in chat with a "!" in front: idle1 idle2 idle3 idle4 idle5 idle6 To swap back to the default idle animation, type "!idle"