Regent Davina
Health - 400 Magic - 1550 Spells: Resurrection Spell; Locator Spell; Original Sireline Unlink Spell; Summon people Spell. Keybinds: X - Bone Breaking; Y - Blood Shoke; F - Blood Boil; Q - Force Transform. Davina Regent of the nine covens, born and raised in the neighborhoods of New Orleans, even after losing much of her harvest powers Davina was elected regent of the nine covens, thus gaining enough power and influence within new orleans, with the strength to even wipe out a bloodline of vampires.
Health - 400 Magic - 1550 Spells: Resurrection Spell; Locator Spell; Original Sireline Unlink Spell; Summon people Spell. Keybinds: X - Bone Breaking; Y - Blood Shoke; F - Blood Boil; Q - Force Transform. Davina Regent of the nine covens, born and raised in the neighborhoods of New Orleans, even after losing much of her harvest powers Davina was elected regent of the nine covens, thus gaining enough power and influence within new orleans, with the strength to even wipe out a bloodline of vampires.
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