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The Vibin' Shooters {TVS}

  • 726


                ✇| Welcome To The Vibin' Shooters {TVS} 

✇|Allie Us! 

✇|Respect Higher Ranks 

✇|Don't Stomp Members in the Group 

✇|Don't Stomp Allies 

✇|Join Raids, Be loyal, or Participate in events to be promoted

 ━━━━━━━ ✦𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬✦ ━━━━━━━ 

  ⌭| Initiated Shooters - 1+ (5 robux) Purchases 

《⌑》Guards - 2+ (10 robux) Purchases 

《⌑》Vibin' - 3+ (15 robux) Purchases 

《⌑》Mystical - 10+ (50 robux) Purchases 
  ⌖|Raiders - 15+ (75 robux) Purchases   
  ⌖|Premium - 20+ (100 robux) Purchases 
  ⌖|Supreme Council - 50+ (250 robux) Purchases 

You can rankup by saying !rankup in chat and putting you inventory open and wait to be ranked up (may take a while)


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