Pengalaman Virtual

  • My first ROBLOX level.

    This is my ROBLOX level/place this was created in 2008 I know it has some elite wing stuff but that was only because it was when I joined and I used some FreeModels. This place/level was originaly named: CASTLE WARFARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Old description: now if you be on red you can have alarm duty because there is an alarm so if attackers are there press button that says sound alarm.BATTLE TO YOUR DEATH!!!!!! INFORMATION BELOW red and blue have been at war for Years And Red have a Fuew EXTRA FETURES they have a colered biuling (not all) and huge door way in tower any way blue is just as good though IF U WNT U CAN SEND ME TRETIES AND I WILL STOP WAR!!NOT!!!!! THERE IS BATTLE GROUND AT THE TOP (YOU HAVE TO TELLIPORT THERE) IT IS COOL PLACE

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  • [GGR] New Alderaan

    Located in the outer rim, in the Ash Worlds sector, New Alderaan is run by the New Alderaan Alliance Prime Minister under Grand Galactic Republic law.

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  • Archive: Star Wars the Clone Wars

    Archive: First published in 2009 as "Star Wars the Clone Wars" rising to fame. Got the first slot on first page of ROBLOX games page in that year, with 200+ players. This is what got me into the early early Star Wars genre, creating Clone Trooper Army soon after. Shamelessly republished under a different name "Star Wars Attack of the Clones" with very few differences yet attracting the same levels of popularity. v1763

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  • Building Site

    A secondary building site for Coruscant Online.

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