Pengalaman Virtual

  • Akhir

    Dalam hati yang penuh, ada ruang untuk segalanya, dan dalam hati yang kosong, tidak ada ruang untuk apa pun. Khawatir tidak mengosongkan besok dari kesedihannya. Ini mengosongkan kekuatannya hari ini. Pastikan untuk mengubah grafis Anda menjadi 10 untuk memastikan pengalaman terbaik ⚠️ Komputer beefy akan direkomendasikan ⚠️ Tags: showcase, menakutkan, kosong, backroom, realistis, fotorealisme, kesepian, kesepian

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  • Pondok Kucing

    Selamat datang di Коттедж Kucing, berdasarkan getaran Lo-Fi. = = = = = = = = ⚠️ Beralih Grafis ke 10 untuk Pengalaman Terbaik! ⚠️ Sebuah komputer yang layak mungkin diperlukan! = = = = = = = = Pesan dari Pengembang - Proyek ini benar-benar selesai, saya suka membangun dan menghabiskan waktu untuk proyek ini, bagian favorit saya adalah Dapur dan tampilan jendela, itu memberikan permainan nuansa cyberpunk yang bagus dan saya menyukainya. Secara umum saya sangat bangga dengan proyek ini, ini adalah proyek terbaik yang telah saya buat sejauh ini dan saya berharap lebih banyak untuk masa depan. --------------------- Pastikan untuk bergabung dengan grup saya! https:// SHOWROOM DIMAKSUDKAN UNTUK DIKENAL SEBAGAI SENI DAN BUKAN PERMAINAN --------------------- TAG: Kucing, Pondok, Sendiri, Apartemen, Lo-FI, Hip-Hop, bersantai, kota, tokyo, langit malam,孤独, takut, getaran, triste, Depression, tertekan, Show case, Urban, lari-down, Sci-fi, Cyberpunk, roleplay, Lofi, jalan-jalan, hujan, pobre, viejo, acogedor, hangat, triste, miserable

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  • Big Wall -Showcase

    Welcome to Big Wall Cafe! A city in Osaka Japan. There's a whole world to explore outside! ⚠️WARNING⚠️ ------------------------ A decent to beefy computer may be necessary. Credits to CaptinLetus for some scripting! This has been the biggest project I've made by far. I've worked about almost every day to keep this up to date and adding new features. This project has been taking weeks upon weeks and in the end, I believe it was worth it. ================================================== I hope you enjoy! And don't forget to check out my other showcases. My group: ---------- Tags: fancy, City, Night Sky, Vibe/Vibes, Cafe, cozy, jazz, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Future, Restaurant, Urban, Showcase, Coffee, Bar, showcase, chill, relax, deep thoughts, rainy

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  • Shenzhou [Update]

    This game is completely finished -Thank you Erv for making the thumbnails, they look awesome !!!Turn graphics to 10 for full experience!!!

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  • Nomai

    You are tired. Something grabs your soul deeply within; You are happy and you are sad at once. -- This showcase was inspired by my all-time most favorite game "Outer Wilds", I really heavily recommend you checking it out. Outer Wilds can be bought through Steam.

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  • Debruben's Cafe v2

    Welcome to my cafe! Based off my first ceation. My cafe takes place in a snowy deserted area. This project took around a day to build, it isn't much, but it sure is cozy!

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  • Mumbler -Showcase

    Not everyone is the same... -Credits: CaptinLetus for helping out with the scripting Note: The record player does work, simply click on the disk. Some music might start off very quiet or may have a 1 minute delay so give it a minute. Showcases are meant for art and NOT A GAME. ⚠️ Turn graphics to 10 for best experience⚠️ ================================================== Tags: desert, dry, lonely, alone, showcase, deserted, destroyed, depressed, depression, scared, afraid, unknown, unfamiliar, nostalgia, crashed, beat up

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  • Time -showcase-

    Look to the stars... A strike of hope touches the soul as new ambience claims the atmosphere, you will never the same anymore... Credits to Hans Zimmer for making such amazing music

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  • Norbury (showcase)

    Welcome to our hangout/showcase! Big thanks to F_ault for starting this all off with a beginner's knowledge as I enhanced it over time. The bathroom was a little rushed, I didn't spend that much time or thinking to it, It doesn't look the best but it'll do. Check out my other creations in the creations category in my profile! (apparently Roblox can't even let their own developers support their own games with links)

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  • Cradles (A memorial of Leah Wikkins)

    A girl named Leah Wikkins once lived in a house when she was at a very Young age. The unexpected happened and her home and childhood burned down, very sadly her mom and dad never made it. She is now adopted. 2 Days ago(July 1st) when I edited this description she very sadly passed away in a car accident. She loved this place due to its relation with her parents, and the fact how I made this place due to boredom, I never knew it would come to this. I was horrified when I heard this, I didn't know her that well. And the fact how a friend of hers now has control over her account. She joined the game and a emotion swept over me... Tags: sad, depressed, hatred, fire, burn, no feelings, scared, empty, angry, tough, deep, disgusted, grossed, rage, rage, rage, self-hatred -When I shout, the ground shakes... her profile: her group:!/about

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debruben tidak memiliki kreasi.