Pengalaman Virtual

  • Crossover Rp:United Universes

    A World Where Universes and Dimensions Come together What Can go Wrong? (Special Thanks to My Friends who helped Make this Game better then it was) -Rules- 1. No Godmoding Or Metagaming 2. Be Respectful 3.Do Not Judge People or My Game 4.Treat Others with Respect 5.Have Fun & No Exploits Of Any Kind 6.No Being Overpowered Past God Of Creation/God Of Destruction Level 7.No Powerplaying (Unless Mind Control powers/Potions Are In Use) -Punishments- 1st Time:Warning 2nd Time:Warning 3rd Time:Kick/Warning 4th:Ban -Admin Rules- 1. Dont Abuse 2. Dont Troll 3. Be Nice 4. Report Anyone Breaking Rules to Me -Updates- Alot of Stuff :b -Permissions- 1. If server shuts down that means im working on it 2. Private Rps Are Allowed To a Point 3.If A Server Is Locked or you cant join the Server im in it means im ether Chatting with a Friend or Inspecting The map for new idea's

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