Pengalaman Virtual

  • SWAT Clan Holographic Training V1.8

    Welcome to SC's Holographic Training. There are different training courses that a high rank can spawn. Listen to and respect your trainers. Come here when you see a group shout saying that there is a training. Always come in uniform first. Train well! Rules: Only come if you are in SC, trespassers will be kicked. No profanity. Do what HRs say. If you outrank the host, you can not take over. It is the hosting HR's training, not yours. No entering the arena without permission. No exploiting. Violators will be banned. Come in uniform. If you are not in uniform, you will be given 2 warnings/notices to put it on. If you fail to comply, you will be kicked. No asking for promotions. HRs will give promotions if they feel you deserve one. No asking for administrative powers. Anyone who violates these rules will be given a penalty that suits their infraction(s). If you see a high rank violating rules or admin abusing, please report it to SCIIU. Built by soultaker435

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