Pengalaman Virtual

  • Bola... Sekarang Dengan Strategi! (dan freeeeedom)

    ... dan konsekuensinya. 🧨 Hancurkan teman Anda dengan bola dalam permainan sort-of-strategy-sort-of-action berbasis giliran! ⚔️ Sekarang dengan 17 peta, pertarungan pedang epik, dan bebek seukuran kuda! ✏️ Pesan saya komentar atau saran yang mungkin Anda miliki! 💥 31 AGUSTUS 2021 - VERSI YANG DIKODEKAN ULANG DARI GAME YANG DIRILIS! 💥 Setelah 12 bulan itu seperti... itu benar-benar keluar. :o Kau bisa buang air besar seperti bebek sekarang! Anda bisa mati sebagai bebek dan meledak menjadi kotoran! Nada suara kentut kotoran Anda semakin dalam semakin banyak kotoran Anda! Perubahan non-poop lainnya (dan karenanya kurang penting) ada dalam riwayat versi di bawah ini. PERINGATAN KONTEN: Berisi dewa langit sadis, sering multi-pemotongan, kebijakan perusahaan yang tidak etis, dan air yang tidak dapat diminum. (° □°) 🌍 Riwayat versi:

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    [ 危険あります!犠牲必要ない… 多分 ] [ PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! ] This is where I test MAH GAEMZ where it wont muck with people's saves and break stuff. Join if you want, but it probably wont be all that exciting.

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  • Thank you Nantundo. You are truly awful.

    I hope everyone who works for your legal department enjoys burning in the fires of [CONTENT DELETED]. Apparently a broken, unfinished, not-for-profit game from 8 years ago that was only visited *19* times in all of 2021 was worth taking down, because you petty jerks apparently have nothing else better to do than to step all over people who are MINDING THEIR OWN DARN BUSINESS. I hope you soulless control freaks eventually find yourselves alone and in crippling pain as you lie on your deathbeds, stuck *laying there*, as you are forced to contemplate how many dreams you crushed for that ever-so-pathetic, ever-so-pointless sense of entitled overprotection you have for your pedant boss's intellectual property. People like you are why we can't have nice things, as you ruthlessly tear apart the creativity that you supposedly claim to protect. You people are the worst. (Literally, Roblox does not even allow me to spell "Nantundo" properly in this description. What the hell.)

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  • Tempat Uji: Api, Zipline, Hujan & lainnya

    Ini adalah tempat pengujian saya di mana saya telah menunjukkan beberapa kekuatan skrip saya untuk membuat beberapa hal yang bagus. Beberapa dari ini saya akan menggunakan di tempat saya yang lain, beberapa dari mereka hanya untuk bersenang-senang. Anda dapat melihat kemajuan saya pada mereka di bawah ini. Status saat ini: Api: 92% (bekerja; menunggu pencahayaan dinamis) Hujan: 56% (kebanyakan berfungsi; membutuhkan perbaikan) Zipline: ############## selesai 15%) Handglider: 0% (tidak ada) Ruang kerja kamera: 17% (set up host brick) Berenang: 0% (tidak ada) Pemeriksaan / alat obrolan: 5% (mulai) Posting pikiran atau ide di komentar.

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  • Mountain Passage

    Originally was going to make an RPG out of this place, but got carried away with just designing the world itself. There are plains, plateaus, a village to explore... and maybe just a bit of silliness. Never did get around to getting those ziplines working consistently though. *** New August 2018 Update makes death more easily come to those who run too fast too long *** (originally SwimCraft RPG)

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  • 綠水瀧~Green Water Rapids

    NOTE: This place is a work in progress (at least when I get to working on it again). Not everything is functional or finalized, however it is still playable. Thank you. Green Water Rapids is my aptempt to make a great white water rafting adventure on Roblox. It will eventually have 5 rafting courses and 2 battle rides. I'll imput a GUI menu, badges, and DP Saving. So far 1 course is done. I'm currently about 2/3 through the second course. Then, I'll work on the interface and rafting stability.

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  • Destroy... EVERYTHING!

    It was ROBLOX's idea.

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  • Swimy Obby 2 ™ V 1.0

    Yay a sequel! This is the coldest Obby ever. Imean the COOLEST ever! BrrRRRRrrrRRRrrrrrrRR!!!!!

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  • Club Swimy© V 3.9

    To join, buy one of my Club Swimy T-shirts and than message me if you fit the requierments needed and I will let you in my club! Easy as that! Every member gets a statue (or brick if member or member plus) a Club room (untill all rooms are filled up) and acess to the club. There is a toatal of 9 members Current members are: [Admin: #1 Me #2 Swampflare #3 SwimmyBrown #4 pugman #5 Mixernxer #6 Jasonheart22] [V.I.P.: #1 HIPHOPMAN12 #2 matthew9543 #3 tubeno7] [Member Plus: Nobody] [Member: Nobody] [Coming Soon: Nobody] [Pending: Nobody] [Banned:] Notes: If you buy the T-shirt and don't fit the requierments I will not let you in the club until you do. No noobz alowed! Rude behavior can result in being banned. No refunds. ©2008-09 Swimy Inc.

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  • Swimy's New Robloxians Help Center [OLD]

    Because apparently 2008 me thought he was giving people great insights into how roblox works... by making a building with a bunch of game consoles in it and telling people that you can walk through transparent doors? lol

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  • What is this?

    No clue anymore to be honest. Enjoy the music while I ponder the question myself.

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  • Malleo Was Here (and then CONTENT DELETED)

    Was a proof of concept MALLEO platformer game that has probably been broken for years, and I had literally not even finished a single level of. On Feburary 13th, 2019 the game was content deleted by Roblox on the behest of NANTENDO of MURICA because NANTENDO is NANTENDO. I love them. I hate them. They make great games. In their spare time, they also do stuff like this... because they can. *sigh*

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  • My Epic House :D

    The new house I'm building for myself :D The house currently has 3 floors, a garden a, kitchen, and A LOT of empty space.

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  • Swim City© V 1.8.3

    This was my very first place that I created in May-July 2008!

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  • Roblox's longest Obby COMING SOON! Read Desc!!!!!!

    The Obby is playable so far, but Badge Points don't work and Obstacles 7, 8, and 20 don't work yet and you can skip them ---------------------------------- So far there are 24 Obstacles, I will make between 100-120 of them. Info can be found at's Longest Obby Obby ---------------------------------- This is one of Roblox's longest obbys in the making. It's not like other obbys too. Theres a new addition: Badge Points. Some obstacle you can obtain them and when you have enough you can exchange them for a badge. Also some obstacles will be multiplayer. If your not satisfiyed with your BP you can replay them. With a VIP shirt from all my places you can skip 25 obstacles. With racing, rock climbing, and even quiz shows this will be on of the best obbys ever. You can get VIP at: www.roblox/item.aspx?ID=blahblahblah

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  • Swimy Obby Classic© V 1.15.3 VIP and Battlefield!

    It's easy, but fun! It's unlike any other obstacle course ever made! It has 12 obstacles. V.I.P. gets teleports to the end and givers! :) V.I.P. Shirt is at:

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  • Extradition - April 12, 2015

    ... In Tradition. Anticipation. Confusion. Abnormalization. More Confusion.

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