Pengalaman Virtual

  • Distorted Universe Stages

    Its all about the questions in life that brings us to our understandings of our perspective in life.To be honest,this is just a chill place for me.Nothing much actually.

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  • Monorail: Project T

    For Testing,Configs and fixing

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  • Project S (Testing)

    cars and town testing project, Still in development so don't expect much. just a testing game nothing much of it -Forward is always the left lane. -Speed limit is max 35mph near buildings unless signs that implied is more or less mph. free open base world,still working on the world! some amount of cash would be given that can't buy all the cars to minimize lags.So choose wisely or you can quit the game and try other cars. working on a new system and stuff

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  • Monorail Revamp (New!)

    Description:Opened to public,its unfinished.Don't expect much,just a rail set available to ride atleast. Cars are purposely not put in ScreenGUI spawner as their mean't to be found and scattered. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates: Working monorail track,roads,cars,few houses and other etc.Fixing on some issues like lag and world settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This place is just a project place,so don't expect much and better prepared to be disappointed.Some are free model(but obviously some models fixed and changed by me)cause of my laziness to build so am sorry if credits aren't given.

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  • Monorel (Diperbarui)

    Hanya “untuk tempat yang menyenangkan” jadi jangan berharap banyak.Masih dalam pengembangan juga. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Deskripsi: Sebuah dunia berbasis terbuka dengan monorel akan melalui kota-kota/ di jalan juga. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Update Feed: Revamping , dihapus barang-barang yang tidak diinginkan dan menambahkan toko mobil, stasiun baru dan trek monorel diperpanjang dan extenting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Penafian: Masih mengerjakan skrip baru, barang GUI, dan sistem kas

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