
Pengalaman Virtual

  • Terombang-ambing di Bumi [Alpha]

    Game bertahan hidup zombie sandbox koperatif dengan mekanik bangunan dasar dan kustomisasi senjata. Game ini masih dalam tahap Alpha jadi harap tunggu bug dan masalah lainnya. kontrol LMB - menembak (perbaikan dalam mode membangun) RMB - membidik (kerusakan dalam mode membangun) E - jarak dekat G (5-6) - granat R - isi ulang (tekan untuk memutar dalam mode membangun) Q - Lingkaran Siklus V - siklus mode menembak T - sakelar/siklus semua mode lampiran F - berinteraksi 附/~ - mode lampiran gratis mouse/manual toggle (buka menu yang dapat dibangun dalam mode membangun) B - masuk ke mode membangun shift - lari Harga akses berbayar akan lebih rendah saat tonggak perkembangan tercapai.

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  • Spectacles Struggle

    Best played in third person. Regain your vision by collecting spectacles dispensed by mysterious machines and use your laser vision to blox opponents! In the event of severe injuries; please locate the nearest eye drop dispenser for self-treatment. Created by speedydude900, Nanie_l, and Archaeic for the RDC 2020 Game Jam.

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  • Konflik Paintball [alpha awal]

    dimodernisasi mengambil paintball roblox klasik game dapat dimainkan atm tetapi ada banyak hal yang belum diimplementasikan / buggy proyek solo atm > > > > > > > > > >> > >> > >> > >> >

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  • Terdampar di Bumi: Serangan Pertama

    CATATAN: PERMAINAN DIBUAT UNTUK MEMBANGUN DILARIKI MENDAPATKAN: https://www.roblox.com/games/3286745597/Stranded-on-Earth

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  • Naval Warfare [Alpha]

    [REBOOT] Gameplay will be changed significantly and will play similar to World of Warships. [Fan Group]: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2713231 [Trello] Google "ROBLOX Naval Warfare Development Board" [Developers] -SazErenos -speedydude900

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  • Naval Warfare [Test Build]

    [Currently testing: nothing atm] This is the test server for Naval Warfare, not everything you see here is final and is subject to change. --used to be some Tsunami survival game, so all comments before October 17th are not related at all to the place--

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  • Kembang Api Lingkungan [FE ALPHA]

    > game telah dibuka kembali karena permintaan dan akan tetap terbuka tetapi jangan berharap banyak pembaruan karena kerangka kerja saat ini berantakan jadi saya akan mengkodekannya di masa depan < Akan perlahan-lahan membuat game Fe-kompatibel untuk latihan. Mengawasi video kemajuan untuk memiliki gambaran umum tentang seberapa jauh pembaruan FE. Nikmati peluncuran kembang api bersama teman atau sendirian! CATATAN: Ini adalah tempat yang tidak terkunci yang saya temukan, saya ingat memainkannya beberapa tahun yang lalu dan saya pikir akan menyenangkan untuk membuatnya kembali dalam visi saya sendiri dan memungkinkan pemain ROBLOX di masa depan untuk menikmati, apa yang akan saya pertimbangkan, permainan yang hebat! Kredit untuk rachjumper untuk tempat asli.

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  • Stranded on Earth: Siege Day

    [Plans]: cool sword animations for scout and more realistic bullets for rifle defenders. Also maybe people can place their own spawns or something. Humanity's first major battle against the zombies, set before or after the events of Stranded on Earth: The First Strike. Just an experiment with AI to see what would happen. You aren't suppose to be part of the fight; just a spectator. I'll be adding a few things so you can support one side with more "troops".

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  • Project Spooks

    this is a work in progress so dont really expect much lol [latest update - 7/20/2016] placeholder animations for spooki monstr and placeholder sound effect [planned stuff] -spooki sound effekts (ambient and monstr) -lights -flickering lights wen monstr is close -proper "rounds" -special abilities for monstr (loik teleport!!!)

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  • Sanctuary

    where the dead rests. click on graves for more info drop hats in the center to increase respect counter you're still welcomed to thumbs up to pay respects

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  • Uprising [PRE-PRE-ALPHA]

    DEVELOPMENT PAUSED Game is now in: PRE-PRE-ALPHA as of 4/8/2015 Updates: -Fixed hitmarkers positioning -Added the USP Stuff to do: -Use particle emitters(cold wind, bullet impact smoke, and etc.) -Build some small bunkers on the Order's side. -Buildable cover that can destroyed. -Part scavenging that will allow you to build stuff. [Backstory/whatever]: On ROBLOX, high quality games that involve firefights in the FPS genre is almost nonexistent. I enjoy games that involve firefights very much and I thought it'd be a good idea to create a game on ROBLOX that revolves around what I enjoy.

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