Pengalaman Virtual

  • Dark Mines ~+ Read Desc+~

    This is my first place OFFICALY that im making the walls and easy things Without free models.But there will be free models because i am NOT Builders Club so i dont want to hear all the stuff about "Your a noob" Or "Stupid Free model Noob!" Cause i told you WHY i use them Cause im Not a good builder AND free models are there for a reason!FOR PEOPLE TO USE THEM!! The story:You are in a dark Mine.You where stuck down there because when you where Searching for gold The Entrance Collapsted.There are Wolfs,And Zombies,And All bad creatures of the night so bewere when you walk your every step,Dont trust Anyone!They can Be off to kill you. The reason i say that is because Your Food and water Is running out So if you get too hungry or too thirsty you might eat posion food,Good food,You might drink Dirty water,Clean water or If you get way too hungy you can end up eating your best friend or your best friend eating you!If you survive...You exit.But if you lose..You will stay down there for th

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