Pengalaman Virtual

  • Waterfall

    "Maybe the stars will tell me my fate."

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  • 1962: Survival

    "Hendrick, I have a very important mission for you. Somewhere about the west, a convoy may pass. Ahvelik will be there. Stop him."

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  • Stranded

    Dear Diary, I fear today may be my last day. We're stuck in a stranded part of the subway tunnels. Explosions were everywhere, and the engineer of the train said he knew of a safe spot. Lord knows how many meters we are underground underground. My chidren are dead. My husband, he's dead. Day by day, someone is accounted for as dead. Our water supply is quickly running dry, and fights tend to break out. There's a power unit so we can stay warm with some heaters, but no one has a radio. Not one, single, person. We're trapped. And we're all going to die. Dear Diary, I'm the last one alive. I have what's left of the water and food to myself. I feel sick, though. Maybe it's from being trapped down here for so long. Dear Diary, I need to get out. ~~~~ This is a WIP showcase map. Leave in the comments as to what you think should be added! Soon to come: -Bodies -More decorations -Block placement fixes

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