Pengalaman Virtual

  • UAF: Fort Kopervich (RAID HERE) [UPDATE!]

    Enemies List: John's Cobras -- Updates: Change Teams Features, special weapons for UAF Syndicate Grade 5 Members, and more balanced mode. [JOIN UAF TODAY!] Deep inside an old Russian volcano site, the UAF members have rebuild a flourishing secret base. You may note, it is a "HIGLY SECRET BASE" -Built by Sunshine321

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  • UAF: Ares Plaza

    "For the workers will rise, we will not compromise for we know that the old regime must die." --Built by Benblue9, UAF's Meeting Center --NAMED AFTER UAF'S 8000TH MEMBER, ares1192

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  • UAF: Red Army HQ

    Home of the Red Army! Wanna meet Red Army Members? Come here! If you are looking to join the Red Army, Red Army Leaders meet here. Built by Oommgg890!

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  • UAF: Video Creation Area

    UAF, making cool vids

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  • UAF: Syndicate Training [Updated Admin]

    UAF Official Uniform MUST be worn. Immature behavior will result in ban and no rank advancement.

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  • UAF: Mettenrich [14,000 Members!]

    UAF's Original Fort for the New Regime. From 6000 members to 14,000. The Comrades of UAF have never faultered, may we rejoice in this Glorious Fort that once housed the Original UAF!

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  • UAF: Fort Bonaparte [Present!]

    Located in France, on the cliffs of Normandy lies the UAF Capital City. A huge city busting with life. Raiders threaten the UAF way of life, UAF members defend our citizens and livelyhood at ALL COSTS. [NOW RUNNING] Made by Sunshine321

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  • UAF: Fort Prometheyus [COMPLETE]

    In an old Italian Villa, A fascist uprising attacked the UAF Comrades, leaving nothing but a burned down town. However the UAF Comrades managed to hold their ground, only to be faced with more enemies to come. He whom sacrificed himself for the greater good of others. He hath given fire to the people. -Built by Sunshine321 and bought by Jimmygaba123. Edited by Benblue9.

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  • UAF: Patria HeadQuarters

    --Timeboss is head of Drill. Listen to him and obey him while drills are going on. If you do not listen to leaders while in drill trainings, you will be banned. The Main UAF HeadQuarters. Behold UAF's Motherland. A Glorious Place for all UAF members to praise the hard work of their fellow comrades. This place is unraidable and meant for the UAF people only. Meetings, Events, and drills will be held here. BUILT BY CHAOSTIC.

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  • Pembalasan Germ. *Versi Klasik*

    Dan tidak, iklan TIDAK disalin. Jika ya, itu disalin dari saya -_- Noobs.... ============================================================================ Vip ada di kaos saya. The Germ's mengambil alih tubuh benblue9. Bisakah Anda menyelamatkannya tepat waktu? Kumpulkan poin dan beli senjata. Untuk mendapatkan Lencana Anda harus memiliki senjata VIP lalu dapatkan x2 kecepatan lari. Atau jadilah sangat baik.

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