
  • Snowclan

    I have this game open simply because it brings back a lot of good memories and I made many friends through role playing here. While my Warriors days are over, I still like to look back on them

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  • La vita da lupo

    (10/8/2019) Nota del proprietario: dopo circa 10 anni di divertimento e giochi di ruolo, sembra che i giorni di Life as a Wolf's siano finiti. Nessuno viene più a trovarlo e ROBLOX nel suo insieme ha superato questo stile di gioco. Grazie a tutti per i ricordi e spero che vi siano piaciuti.) Sei un lupo. Urli fino alla luna e vai a caccia durante il giorno. Tu e il tuo branco dovete cacciare e combattere per sopravvivere nella natura selvaggia. Gli alfa guideranno, i cuccioli cresceranno. Il tuo obiettivo nella vita è trovare una casa, avere uno zaino e trovare un compagno e una famiglia. Tu chiami questa casa tua e fai fatica a mantenere il territorio che ti spetta.

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  • Life as a Wolf 2

    Welcome to Life as a Wolf 2, the more modern and smaller version. You are still the same wolf as before. You traveled from afar, from a bigger forest, to this small little land. You will find new territory and meet new wolves and eat new prey. Homes are plenty, but you must still fight to defend your own and your family. Once again, you ARE a wolf, and you will fight and be proud like a true wolf should.There is one law in the wild: 'Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten.'

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  • Modern Houses

    Changed the name from Modern House to Modern Houses because I am adding more houses that I have created in the past and am finishing up now. The original Modern House is the brown one. The other houses are still in construction Are you too grown up to play house with your kid friends anymore? Well now you have another solution. Role play with your friends in different houses at this digital game

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  • Swing Of Flee

    Come here when you're sad, mad, or just want peace. It seems to help a lot of people, honestly.

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