
  • The Space Experience

    [PC only. Other devices WIP] This is still work in progress, I am currently just building the foundations of this place. Details will come later! This experience is a mix of real world rockets and my own imagination. This journey sends you on a rocket ride to a space hotel in low earth orbit.

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  • The Hidden [OPEN ALPHA]

    ClubMini123's and piedude99's adaptation of "The Hidden". Instructions: Every round, one person will be selected to be The Hidden. The Hidden's goal is to eliminate everyone while only weilding a sword. The rest of the players, must remove The Hidden before The Hidden gets to them. The catch however, is that The Hidden is invisible. Developers: ClubMini123 [duh] piedude99 [yarrr]

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  • Casa moderna di Clubmini123

    Sono aperto a qualsiasi suggerimento o critica costruttiva nei commenti qui sotto. Li leggerò :D Aggiornamenti Recenti: 12 dic 16: Alcuni aggiornamenti molto necessari (Niente di nuovo in termini di segreti) 21 Nov 16: Piccoli aggiustamenti (Se non menzionato, probabilmente una piccola correzione)

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