
  • RS's Kino der toten - placed out zombies!!!!

    a new test zombie is added ! check it out! its acctually the same :) just got body meshes! i need YOUR help to chose what basic zombie im going to use and wich not :) comment plz<3 6players are decided :D hope it will come 4 soon if it becomes possible. a test zombie is now added ;) if you step into the cylindred plate next to the spawn pad you can tele to a room to watch and kill the "RS's test Zombie" :D enjoy. Almost all guns on the wall are added now :D i tried them all in "play now" and almost all of them work as the shall ;) the only one that have a bit problems are "MP5K" can suddenly be broken and parts can be at wrong place. and "Olympia" that is totaly broken! i've not have time to tried fixing it ;) but i will soon. I also delted the buy pad for "Ak74u" on the wall :/ I didn't mean to do it ^^ it just happend. i will add it back tomorrow ;) Upcoming stuff: all the guns in the mystery box (<-reason for why u think its not working) , Perk soda's , Traps , Zombies ,

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