
  • Unseen Wounds

    They always told me I would see ghosts, I never believed them... Now I do, I can describe the details on every one of my past patients' faces, and I know some of them did not make it. I have flashbacks from time to time and all I do is ask myself, "Did I do all I could?" "Am I what they needed in their time of need?" I don't suffer from PTSD, I suffer from compassion, I'm not a stone, I'm a man, one who cares for his fellow human being. I don't care who you voted for, what you worship, and or what your education level is, you breathe, your heart beats, just like mine. Recollection of memory is the bodies greatest defense when you don't remember what you're here to do. Learn from your past and build your future. Keep your mind open but your heart spread wider. Stay strong, and stay safe.

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  • The Protector You are Confused About

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  • Welcome to My Life.

    It is a thing few understand, to be rushing down the highway zipping past cars pumping on someone's chest as they are barely holding on for life. The angel of death coming to knock on the final glimpse of life for that faint soul, to know our story you would have to live like us. We get up from our dinner tables to the sound of pagers buzzing and we leave our families behind to go save some stranger we have never even heard of simply so he or she can go home to their family and have another day. We face death, we watch it overcome a limp body laying on our stretcher and us Maltese cross wearers still see ghost..

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