In Port Juno at the past of Robloxia,Mafias keep killing and torturing to citizens.Finally,Age of Miserable is gone.Destiny calls you,and citizens,wake up!
Citizens:Brown team
Mafias:Purple team
P.S. :Citizens.Be careful of Mafias.They are in the top of the Port.So they are clear in Guerilla tactics(Ambushing with small amount of soldiers and running)!
~Both Teams~
-Added Flintlocks(Need to reload for 5~10 secs)
-Added Muskets(Need to reload for 5~10 secs)
-Added Bow giver
-Added Tommy gun giver
-Added Glider
May Day(Beta)
In one day in year,the all crimes was allowed.And you are fighting against the Maruders.As payback,you should do same thing to them.Go on.Agent.