
  • Miners Delight (Rollercoaster) (2022 Fix)

    ***This place is very outdated and may contain bugs*** It was built many years back and simply updated to continue to work with the recent physics updates to Roblox, it will most likely never be perfect! Sorry :) Tip: When you press the go button, stand up and sit down again to make the train start moving. I might look into a way to fix this, it's a Roblox bug I believe. Back in 2009 I created this roller coaster, piece by piece, quick rotate by quick rotate, manually adjusting the speed and friction of each rail. Obviously, there are many easier ways to do all this now, but back in the day, this was good. :)

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  • Into the darkness (Rollercoaster) (v0.1) (Also bro

    Quick test ride, made in around 8 hours. (This ride was made purely to test a rail tool I was using, I'm aware it's too dark and short :P) (Infustion - V19)

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