
  • Ice Queen: The boss fight

    Fight against the Ice Queen, a really difficult boss that has a gigantic crossbow and a sword and can shoot off laserbeams to take you down. IMPORTANT: You are invincible for a bit after you dodge so use that to your advantage. The music is composed by me but it's honestly not that great. Apparently the last game I'll publish this year is a mediocre boss fight game. Anyways, I publish a new game every month so if you want to be notified then join my group's community server and sub to my youtube channel. Also this game supports controller (Idk why you would play this with controller though).

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  • 쓰레기통 전투기

    정크야드 파이터스 (Junkyard Fighters) 는 매우 독특한 게임으로, 전투기를 배치하고 전환하여 상대의 편에 도달하여 승리합니다! 아주 간단하지만 놀라울 정도로 재미있어요, 한번 시도해보세요! 이 게임은 2P 플레이이므로 친구가 필요합니다. 싸울 수있는 봇이 있지만 정말 나쁘며 게임의 본질을 파악할 수 있습니다. 그래서 실제 사람과 함께하는 것이 훨씬 더 재미 있습니다. 또한 1, 2, 3, 4는 전투기를 배치하기위한 단축키입니다.

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  • Sophie's Halloween Eve

    Sophie needs some ingredients for her pumpkin pie, so go on a trip to the market and have fun! This game is more closer to a visual novel more than anything, so make sure to enjoy the dialogues! But if you would still like to skip them, you can click while pressing P to do just that. I haven't checked but this is a short game so I think it should only take you 10 minutes max to beat this game.

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  • Chronos

    Fight the physical manifestation of time itself, Chronos. Note that this game is actually pretty difficult. Made for the Roblox Inspire 2024 Challenge.

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  • Sir_Pixelated's Game Collection

    So I wanted to do this challenge where I make some games in as few days as possible so all the games here are short and simple, so please don't expect too much.

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  • 유니온 테스트 연구소

    퍼즐 요소가 많은 플랫폼 게임으로 게임 플레이는 새로운 유니언 기능 roblox에 크게 의존하고 있습니다. Facade(On roblox)에서 영감을 얻은이 게임

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  • Crossroads anomaly termination

    Happy halloween everyone! Big thanks to my big bro for the artwork!

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  • \\Sword_Box//

    In this game you can use swords to do pvp! (This game is not done yet) !!!ALSO you can use gears in this game, so go crazy!!! Thank you to @Sparkle_NhankoGUY for making the logo and theThumbnail!

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  • Levels


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  • High into the Sky [Beta]

    In this game you just use jet pack, to go very high, and go for the roof of the sky! Every level has a prize, so it will be climbing these islands. New islands are being added. This is still a beta, but please, try it out!

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