
  • City Template

    For some reason this got content deleted, not sure why. This is why you don't replace your employees with moderation bots i guess. Well anyways it should still show up when you Edit it.

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  • Temple Runner Template

    This isn't meant to be played! Click three dots and click on Edit! (It kinda works though) Looks like this is no longer provided as a template, or a updated version exists of it. Well here's a very old Temple Run-like template that could be selected from Create -> Create a game.

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  • Old Castle Template

    This isn't meant to be played! Click three dots and click on Edit! Looks like this template has been updated and the old variant is no longer provided. Well anyways, here's the very old and cool Castle template that's been served via Create -> Create a game.

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  • [Time Capsule] gm_construct (aka Garry's Moood)

    This is pretty much my very first map (well actually second) which I mostly just threw some free models together and I was very proud of it as a kid. Got a lot of visitors also for me at the time so I was pretty happy. 6/10/2020 Ended up removing the excess amount of free models and just leaving good ol' gm_construct. The gm_construct model, I have no idea who made it or if it was me, it definitely wasn't me though.

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  • [Time Capsule] Most Wanted Items

    This place only acts as a time capsule for myself really, it has some free model scripts and stuff but if you're more curious how they work or want to fix it up and make your own 2006/2007-like place then go ahead! Also yes, it's called Time Capsule because I made it when I was relatively still a smol kiddo.

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  • 핀볼 위저즈

    셰들레츠키가 만든 오래된 장소인 이곳은 사라질 경우를 대비하여 백업 역할을 하는 데 더 가깝습니다.약간 변경되었을 수도 있고 그렇지 않을 수도 있습니다. 전혀 모릅니다.오랜만입니다. 이것은 타임캡슐에 가깝기 때문에 심각하게 받아들이지 마세요.원하는 경우 이 장소도 쉽게 복사할 수 있습니다.

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  • Control Point Template

    This isn't meant to be played! Click three dots and click on Edit! Looks like this is no longer provided as a template, or maybe i'm just blind. Well anyways, here's the very old Control Point template that could be selected from Create -> Create a game or whatever that was called. Also yeah, this doesn't work so don't bother playing it.

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  • Old Racing Template

    This isn't meant to be played! Click three dots and click on Edit! Seems to be no longer used but if for some reason you still want it in your life then here you go. Used to be obtainable from Create -> Create New Game.

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