
  • [NEW GAMEPASSES!] Mc Donald's Tycoon

    UpdateLog Join This Group for a extra $10,000 when you start your tycoon - https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2775688 --------------- V0.0.9 - Added Custom Radio Gamepass --------------- V0.0.8 - Added VIP chicken dropper game pass and added x8 upgrader gamepass --------------- V0.0.7 - Added Upgrader and Added blood katana gamepass, Minor error fixes --------------- V0.0.6 - Added 3 more chip droppers, 3 more burger droppes and changed sausage dropper to fried chicken dropper. Added FireBrand Sword for $30,000 --------------- V0.05 - Added Cars!! Cost $25,000 --------------- V0.04 - Added Sword, Enlarged kitchen for MORE dropper space. Changed VIP dropper stats by + 1/2 --------------- V0.03 - Added VIP Burger Dropper and 2nd VIP Chip Dropper --------------- V0.02 - Added Vip Chip Dropper Expanded Kitchen -------------- V0.01 - Main Game Created

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