♚HHCL Profile♚
S6 Team: New York Rangers [C]
S7 Team: Vancouver Canucks [C]
S8 Team: Columbus Blue Jackets [C]
S9 Team: Montreal Canadiens [C]
S12 Team: Toronto Maple Leafs
S14 Team: New York Rangers
S15 Team: New Jersey Devils
Position: Defenseman (TWD)
[Regular Season Statistics]
Season 6 Stats: G: 8 A: 17 P: 25
Season 7 Stats: G: 6 A: 22 P: 28
Season 8 Stats: G: 9 A: 11 P: 20
Season 9 Stats: G: 25 A: 40 P: 65
Season 12 Stats: G: 2 A: 7 P: 9
Season 14 Stats: G: 3 A: 10 P: 13
Season 15 Stats: G: 9 A: 12 P: 21
Career Stats: Goals: 62 Assists: 119 Points: 181
[Postseason Statistics] (Postseason Finish)
Season 9 Stats: G: 1 A: 2 P: 3 (WC R1)
Season 12 Stats: G: 1 A: 13 P: 14 (EC Semi)
Season 14 Stats: G: 0 A: 2 P: 2 (EC Final)
Season 15 Stats: G: 1 A: 2 P: 3 (EC FInal)
Career Stats: G: 3 A: 19 P: 22
▀▄Lyon Circuit▀▄
Version 1.0
Ground Breaking: January 11th, 2014
Completion: January 15th, 2014
Used in:
Lowes Cup Series (S2/S3)
Credit To Myself for the original.
Going to be making some type of racing game in my hopes to return to ro-racing in the near future.
MattyIce2000 nie ma żadnych dzieł.
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