
  • Gabriel: Modern Warfare

    Squad Game

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  • Noah: The Wrath of the Reptiles

    Noah is an average epic person, but won day, a group of lizard aliens called Repviles comes down to his home planet, Planet Noah, and begins to colonize it. Noah escapes to Earth in a small local village after the sudden attack to be greeted by the local lobroeks, an advanced yet hidden civilization. Noah explains the the lobreoeks that his home planet is under attack and he needs a way back. The lolbroeks agree to help him and allow Noah to use their teleporter. Noah faces a huge problem however, the teleporter is low on fuel! The lolbroeks explain to Noah that in order to fuel the machine to send him to his planet, he must collect power crystals. In this game, you embark as Noah, exploring the realms of earth in search for crystals while defeating the Repviles!

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