
  • IBella's Event Centre!

    Official event centre! if you're a builder, please contact Sjovia for details on joining our building team! :D

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  • Peak2Peak

    Coming October 2018

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  • for awesomeshark552

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  • LivyOf_TheValley's Place Number: 19

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  • ImagyneEverything's Place Number: 10

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  • LivyCreates's Place Number: 11

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  • Training

    TRAINING (Manager+) Copy and Paste: Always rank the Fans, super fans, BC, TBC and OBC to the correct rank. And if someone talks about rank/spams in group wall rank them suspended. Please separate the noobs and non-noobs to the correct rank. Please remember to only copy a shout if there is [O] at the end. Don't edit the shout. Or else you will be suspended for a week. Also, Please do not free rank people unless a group owner asked you to. Do you understand? (Answer: Yes) ---------------- After they say yes, say PASSED and that they will be ranked soon. Please message me that they have passed and tell me their username. If it tags, try to type it out. Please do not rank them yourselves or else you may be suspended. Now, Please ask them if they have any more questions.

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  • Host

    HOSTS (Manager+) (Hosts noclip through the wall and bring music1 interviewer and music1 interviewee. If there is only a host there, they will aslo interview. Interviewers are NOT allowed to interview without a host. Host's Questions: :m Please do not be AFK during this interview. :m Grammar is RECOMMENDED and you do not have to use it. :m Also, Please answer the questions like an HR as if you pass, You will be an HR. :m There is a time limit of music2 minutes. :m Please say HELP if you need help with a question. Also, Please do the training for the interviewees. Interviewer Game: Training game: After training and you and the interviewer agrees that you passed, Message Kriate that that person passed. I will rank them

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  • Interviewer

    Questions: If you get the question wrong, you won't fail. I will tell you the answer. Any questions before we start? Q1] How did you find the group? Q2] What would you do if someone spams/talks about ranks in group wall? Q3] In the rank BP Junior Fan, There is a non-noob (Non-noob meaning they bought something with robux) What would you rank them? Q4] Someone in the rank BP Fan has BC. What would you rank them? Q5] Now that person lost their BC. What would you rank them? Q6] You are allowed to do shouts. Only copy the shout if it has [O] at the end. Do not edit the shout. Do not do the shout if there is no [O] If they got all of those right, do not say they passed and ask the HOST to train them. Training for HOSTS:

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  • TheRealCreation's Place Number: 6

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Sjovia nie ma żadnych dzieł.