

  • Eevee Adoption *new admin pokemon*READ DESCRIPTION

    dont forget im still looking for ideas so keep sending me those messages and ill keep sending those admins to U remeber i only make updates ONCE a day so if ur the first to give me ideas ur the one thats gunna be the admin remember if its a morph im probabaly gunna give it to the or have an eevee.i made a new update so you could have pokeballs but not throw them cause last time it ended up breakning the teles -_-.anyways give credit to Trooper25453743 for the Flarion idea (used to be admins) and give a special thanks to DarkShadow101 for the grass gym battleing area oh and I yes me i finally did something myself not other then put the pokeballs and make the morphs and stuff like that I had an idea i put a backpack in there and i added a new pokemon for the admins to have fun with >:)

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