
  • Age of Sail

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  • Age of Exploration

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  • Weltevreden

    Welcome to Weltevreden. Built by the Dutch in the 18th century as a suburb of Batavia(now Jakarta), Weltevreden attracted a lot of wealthy businessmen and politicians, and was known for its grand estates and palaces. I have decided to build my own Weltevreden in Roblox, where my friends or high ranking officers can buy a piece of land to use as their residence. It works as follows: I will sell patches of land for a small price. I will measure in studs. Once we define your land, you can go into studio and build your own house, or let me build one for you. The only criteria is that it has to fit within the architectural theme. Ask me about that. Once complete, the land and everything on it is yours. You can invite players over, discuss group policies in the many parks, or stroll through the neighbourhood. We are all gentlemen here, and we must behave as such. There will be no swearing, no faces or no rude behavior in Weltevreden.

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