this is a place where for fantasy and fun comes alive.We have good pizza and good amiantroincs -cough- not - cough- all the rumors about this place is false the bite of 1987 was a teenagers pulling a prank and the other things we have many things here and we are glad if you want to work here loves it
~i give credit too all modles thanks
~and i give this a thanks to these users below
-and so many more
Ps i did spell theses wrong sorry
Suzuki's Coffee Shop (vale)
this is for a beacon roleplay place it is near that one dust shop it like a chinese japnese tea shop but only with coffee!
and yes this place is in vale
Q:what is beacon
A: a school for huntresses and hunters
Q:what show it it called
beacon school:
you can rp here if you want ;D cuz it the whole point xD and also this is my oc place so it not in the show and 2 I USED PEOPLE MODLES FOR SOEM STUFF SO SHOUT OUT FOR THEM BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO COPY RIGHT
camiscout nie ma żadnych dzieł.
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