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    It's fake. Nothing happened between us so don't worry.

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  • [RP] Site-21

    Site-21 is the home to many Safe, Euclid and Keter SCPs, Site 21 was formerly a training site although was transformed into a Government Facility as the Foundation was running out of containment chambers to home the SCPs. You have been chosen to protect and contain these SCPs, it is your responsibility to protect the SCPs at all costs. The world relys on you. Welcome to Site 21. Credits: AwesomeSquid2 (Main Developer) Octopusghost Crazyconzie21 WernerModel

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  • Battlegrounds [UPDATE] [BETA]

    Game is in beta, there is new features and new weapons to be added. Please do not dislike as it's not a fair rating as the game is still in Beta. -F to unjam gun. -R to reload. -G for laser (on some guns). Press 3 twice in the menu if you don't see your mouse. A fast-paced battleground game mode with loads of possibilities: -Snipe your foes from the mountains -Rush in and spray bullets at your enemies. -Fly a helicopter around the map and to get to places no one else can get to. -To dominate the center of the map and keep your foes away.

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  • [DESC] [RP] Strefa-19

    Ruch niestandardowych drużyn jest teraz wygaszony. Pamiętaj, aby polubić i dodać grę do ulubionych! Kornwalia, Wielka Brytania ZASADY I WSKAZÓWKI: Dołącz do naszej grupy Roblox, aby mieć szansę dołączenia do Departamentu Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego i innych departamentów w RP jako! Dołącz, jeśli chcesz ubiegać się o stanowisko Moderatora! Serwer: WMsVdYG Obszar-19 jest w wersji beta! Aktualizacje mogą zająć trochę czasu. Obszar-19 jest podobny do Obszaru 51. Obszar ten jest domem dla wielu bezpiecznych, Euklidesowych i Keta SCP.

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