
  • Southern Gate

    Credit to Jammintoad for the original game.

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  • Siberian Training Outpost

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  • Frost Clan Fort Eclipse

    This is an old, unfinished concept base. It was originally an idea for a new fort but then was transformed into a training base. It's only main use was with Mathepa's E-15 but other then that and some small clan training, this has been unfinished and unused. I have open sourced this place for everybody's use. It is essentially just a concept base that you can build off of but other then that there is not much in it. This is a WYSIWYG type of place and it will most likely remain that way. Please do give credit, it will be appreciated.

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  • Mathepa's Archives

    The archives of Mathepa's less significant games. This first one? The alpha edition of the Game Gallery, meant to be an in game connector to a network of games (originally suppose to be dubbed the Mathline Network).

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  • Sword Fight Over The Phantom Bricks!

    Sword fight over the disappearing Phantom bricks! This is a challenge for any sword fighter. Built with 4 spawning area's/safe zones, four health pads, weakened swords, and a 18x16 grid of phantom bricks; this will be one of the most intense sword fights you will ever have. NOTE: This was technically an unfinished beta. You can report bugs to me but please realize that they may never get fixed.

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  • SFOTH IV Replica

    Intended for training. All members of FCC have admin here.

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  • Frost Clan Multi Purpose

    Frost Clan Historical Site - Once an old training place used for massive training events which consisted both of gun and sword fighting along with tournaments and even strategy building using chess. This also includes a gallery, the original Esuing Art Gallery along with the newer Gallery built by Soab. This place is retired now and will rarely get updates or bug fixes unless someone else takes it and fixes it up. A few other M.P. places were created based on this after I left but this is the original FCMP center.

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  • Frost Clan Multi Purpose: Dueling Arena

    Frost Clan Historical Site - First came the original Multi Purpose place. Then I started to notice the lack of room and wished for a stronger sword training. This was the first time we had a portion of the FCMP in a separate place from the main one which was originally questioned. But after some discussions and a partnership with Soab, the FCMP Dueling Arena was born. This arena is a bowl setup with weakened linked swords and a tournament script. Admins have the ability to activate and deactivate that very script so they can do normal dueling or tournaments. This also includes a lounge in the bottom so you can view the fight from the inside as well as some private boxes that never really got completed. This place should still be usable but please note that bug fixes will be rare and if it becomes unstable it may remain that way. Credit to Soab for a huge portion of this place as well as some other smaller contributions.

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  • Frost Clan Fort Defaultio

    Frost Clan Historical Site - This is the old FC HQ (2010) made by Defaultio. I modified it enough to make the scripts work decently again and have freshened up the colours for a more modern look. Originally this version was for training but now that I am no longer an active high rank it is just for memories and respect for Defaultio. Original place: http://www.roblox.com/Frost-Clan-Retired-HQ-place?id=5038441

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