
  • Fractal Viewer

    [Commands] /save - save the current parameters, and come back later /loadsave - loads your saved parameters, which is done when you open the game /removesave - removes your current save [Controls] Mouse controls: MiddleClick: when on a "corresponding set" of a julia fractal, takes you to the julia set of that "corresponding set" with the constants being assigned to that point. When on the julia set, can click and drag to change the julia constant values to your mouse position. WARNING: can be very laggy on high axis sizes. RightClick: sets the pivot point, this will always be the center of the image. Navigation, can be held down: W: up A: left S: right D: down Q: zoom out E: zoom in Other: R: reset the main parameters: offset X, offset Y, magnification, pivot and hue shift. T: toggle if all the main parameters should reset on fractal change F: toggle full screen J: when on Julia set, takes you to the "corresponding set".

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  • Robloxos

    👉 Robloxos will no longer receive updates however it is still open for anyone to play. 👈 👋 Welcome to Robloxos, where you can collect your favourite Robloxians and use them in battle. 🏅 Win against tough BattleLeaders and earn Badges as a reward! 🌌 Portals will lead you to a Worlds in the DigitalVerse where you'll find infested Viruses. Defeat these and gain great rewards! ❗ All updates will be shown on this thread: ⭐ Be sure to like, follow and favourite the game to support it's development! ✨ Joining the group listed in the social links will give you a special chat tag, yet also having Premium will give you a exclusive chat tag. ❓ Set your Graphics Quality to 4 or less to remove graphical effects.

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  • Simulation

    A mini unfinished project

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