
  • ●Smokey Quartz.

    ? 40% ill open this since its 2020 but ill continue to work on it for a long long time i hope you guys stick around. ever looked at the plastic bag on the floor outside the window of a bus and thought what did the plastic bag went through? at a certain point of its life it was loved and cherished but was thrown away. I want to live in another persons life and expierence everything that person goes through i want to remember the past of the person that he once lived to the people who remembers some of the models used in this showcase this is a big thankyou, isnt it crazy how its been many many years since you last seen that item, how you felt at that time, and how you reacted is probably very different. But the very different and serious you,still come back to the old child like self when you think back of how fun it was when you were a little less serious.

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  • ●Minüs 3. (parlatıcı)

    Bitmiş projelerim ●Minüs 3 (https:// ● FENTANEST (https:// ●Seoliem (Bağlantı kırıldı) ● Bu oyun grafik 10'da oynanacak şekilde yapıldı ●Bu oyunda hedef yok, bir oyun yerine bir sanat eseri gibi davran ● Önceki vitrinlerim gibi, çıkartma yok, her şey tuğlalarla inşa ediliyor ● Bu yapıyı bitirmek neredeyse 1 buçuk yıl sürdü ● Bir beğenme ve bir iyilik bırakırsan bir ton yardımcı olur ● Geri dön ve güncellemelere bak (iyi de tembel değil) ● Buradaki her öğe biraz çaba ve zaman ile düşünüldü ve dikkate alındı ● Bir iyilik ve bir beğenme bırakırsan bir ton yardımcı olur ●Tanrı crykee bu küçük tırnağı yaptı

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  • ● Fentanest. (sabit)

    Biten projelerim ● Eksi 3 ( ● Fentanest ● Seoliem (Bağlantı kırık) ● Pencerelerde yağmur göstermeyen bir hata düzeltildi. muhtemelen gecikme var yani evet ● Lütfen grafiklerinizi 10'a çevirin ● Bu vitrinde bir amaç yok (dışarı çıkamıyorsunuz: c) bir oyun yerine bir sanat eseri gibi davranın ● Burada bir ana karakter hakkında bir hikaye var, kendiniz bulmanız gerekiyor ● Bu vitrindeki her şey çince ve küçük resmin Korece olmasının bir nedeni var, bu ismi nasıl aldığıma dair sadece bir referans c: ● Yapmak için 7 ay sürdü ● Bu yerde hiç çıkartmalar yok, tüm 'resimler' tuğla ● bir beğenin ve bir fav bırakırsanız bir ton yardımcı olur ^^ Twitter'da beni takip edin xd imma ilk kez deneyin @Tot3rino Yüz dino boyutunda sayesinde- ● SeafRequency tarafından epiccccc sinematik bir video bulundu ● tek ve tek crykee tarafından harika küçük resim

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  • ●Seoliem. (Ebr)

    My Finished projects ●Minus 3 ( ●Fentanest ( ●Seoliem (Link broken) warning! this place has lots of lag theres a second floor btw .__. so many people miss it There is no generation,decals,meshes in this showcase these are all replaced by bricks which in turn lags the place. This place was featured on r,oblox ######### Look arou,nd the sid,es of the, isla,nd, for caves and stuff this place took 9months, to make! To those 'professional' bui,lders, out there that want to give me criticism to perfect my place it aint happening, it is only going to die down my will to build. im not a ############## # build to show others what im thinking and feeling before cf(,) (This was built as a ebr entry but it was rejected) it really was a good goal for me to work to,it pushed my expectations and limits to the max and i made my own dream world that i love. i had so much fun making this

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  • 15th Sister's lair (Goodnight)

    quality 10 pls was bored again xd built in 2hours just for fun ya

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  • Memoirs (A moment worth remembering)

    A moment worth remembering You've been sitting here for the past hour. It had been a while before you started to question your decisions. What if she didn't come? What if she changed her mind? What if I couldn't support us both? Where will we stay? But those thoughts quickly retreated. All you could think about now was your love for her. As you glanced at your watch, your heart filled with excitement. The train was already arriving. All of this is really happening. In that very moment, your mind cleared of all regrets, fears, and doubts, and you promised yourself that no matter the circumstances or consequences, that this life changing moment will forever be ingrained in your mind till eternity's end.

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  • 16. Kızkardeşin yuvası (Önce Seoliem'i ziyaret edin!

    İstersen pm'i bana satabilirim Her neyse, bu yeri ilk bc'mi kutlamak için inşa ediyorum:D DAHA FAZLA AKTİF YERLER YAY İstersen pm'i bana satabilirim 4-5 saat sürdü~ hala suşi yemek istiyorum ;_; daha fazla yapı geliyor~ :3 bir profil resmi gibi çok iyi görünüyor xD (2015 yılı)

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  • 17th Sister's lair

    another speed build just like 16 sister's lair took 1 and a half hours to make this was made to celebrate the june holidays! :D Dont expect much 3: it sucks

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  • We will meet again

    This is where i make my models i decided to make my models in another place for seoliem because its smoother to build here probably for the new world -Made a Hyper realistic tree that broke the server -Rollback 40 -made a dragon, made an eye why not combine them? KAWAIIIIII

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  • All parlion blue. v0.8 (2013)

    took me 8 months ~.~ cause of laziness and dota 2 lul k bai I Want To Eat Sushi >:!

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