
  • House

    Welcome to this house! I will be building more furniture and random things! There is also a car I made so that you can drive and crash into the house (Or if you are a troll and people are around, the people themselves :3)! When you walk in the house, you will mostly see it empty, but I will be building more things. But whatever, you can bring your friends and roleplay, or just explore and find really random things that I already put :3! Have fun at my place :D

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  • The epic hangout of randomness!

    UPDATE: I added admin. So far, I am the only one who has admin. I will only give admin to people I trust. Also, I added 2 new things. You are going to have to find them to discover them. The first one is obvious, the next one is a little hard unless you like to explore EVERY part of the game, even the edges of the baseplate. Welcome to the epic hangout! I may add more things here! Bring your friends to my place and dive into the pool! If you feel like riding something, ride a skateboard or the car! Also, if you're hungry, grab a snack from the house. You can do much more than I listed. Just have fun, explore, and chill out at my epic hangout :). Also, buy gear from my place if you want :D.

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  • Live as an mermaid or a queen/princess (READ DISCR

    The only reason why I'm keeping up this place is because this has the most visitors of all of the places I ever made. Thanks for visiting. :P

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  • NICOLALA6's Place Number: 42

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  • Disasterclan

    Join Disasterclan today!

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  • Adventure (Under construction)

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  • Disasterclan New Territory

    Grassclan, Willowclan, Ivyclan, and DIsasterclan moved to a new territory!

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NICOLALA6 has no creations.