
  • High stability building is broken

    My mouse went all spazzy while i was trying to build Also, the high stability building doesn't even let me make lakes!!! Goodness this stinks

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  • Final-Roblox (Current game idea)

    Final Roblox (Current game idea) (version 0.4: Basic battles added) Disclaimer: The current battles in this game are going to be nothing like the battles in the finished product. Disclaimer #2: I used the advanced Rpg starter kit to get the shop, the Ai person, and the weapons in here. This is a project where i'm making a final fantasy style game, and making it playable in roblox, meaning that i'm creating a final fantasy game that can be played on roblox. This is heavy W.I.P, so suggestions and help is highly appreciated. Next objective: Work more on the map, and maybe think about how do program battles into the game. Problems: The sound was added correctly, but it doesn't play when the place is loaded. Note: If you have any ideas on how to make it better or want to help, either pm me or post in the comments. Help is always appreciated, even in a heavily WIP project. I've got music for this game by purchasing free ones off the catalog.

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  • combat simulater 1.3.5 (CTF style war game)

    are you the best fighter in roblox? come here to find out as fighters battle for different points that will help them become the greatest fighter,and soon... become the best fighter that ROBLOX ever had!!! weapons: rocket lancher, paintball rifle, and knife. i just found out that the knife can be throng if u hold click down for .5 second then release, you throw the knife relavent to where the curser is. first update i made to this game in a year! :D (notice: once this game reaches version 1.4, there will be a tournament where players compete in rounds of this game and from time to time post the number of rounds they won, winner of the contest will be given access to a personal server i will make in the future! So get those bullets flying!)

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  • awesome 0bby of weirdness

    welcome to my 0bby! there are 4 different 0bbys to play. 0bbys: spiky danger,simple 0bby(coming soon),*unknown 0bby*(coming soon),and "from grass to asphalt" spiky danger levels:"spiky danger RUN" (more coming soon) :P from grass to asphalt:"grass stage" more coming soon

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  • zombie war 3.0 *update not finished*

    YOU and a few men are the last survivers of a zombie attack,however, the zombies(red team players) have found your base. FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE!!! in zombie war 3.0, the battles can be taken to the sky! epic battles awate you, so update today! adding badges when i get B.C. my friend will script the badges for me cause i dont do scripting and it would be hard scriping a badge that is given to you once you get a serten amount of K.Os… play zombie war today.

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  • the BLOXing world

    this place is great for people new to roblox as they can easily get the combat initiation ROBLOX badge. fight ALL u want guys. the weapons here are the same ones in noob wars. wlcome the the bloxxing world! this is the prequill to noob wars, but made after noob wars. requierments: none, althow u might want a tiny understanding of combat.

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  • Doge Gun War

    Fight others with a crazy gun called the doge gun, it is an amazing gun that is "WOW" overpowered! IT can one shot people! As long as the teams are balance (or you do a free-for-all) and that no one spawn-kills, you can most likely have fun fighting in a Doge Gun war!

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