
  • Trade. Test

    For testing open source project.

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  • Ash :C

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  • Boom Game

    It's a work in progress. -Suicide currently doesn't work. Will switch it out if there's no solution -Need to fix sticky bomb. -Everything else works fine. -Need to adjust level scaling and add bp to each part destroyed. WARNING- the game may lag so you should lower your graphics settings.

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  • Freeze Tag

    WIP[30%] -Added two new items for taggers to purchase. -New Global Leaderboard; Refreshes ever 10 minutes. -Tags can now be saved! *SOON TO COME: Levels and login bonus. -More stuff coming soon. Tags: the, original, chocolate, waves, classic, beta, natural, tsunami, brick, break, test, epic, roblox, time, raft, club, studio, wipeout, paintball, a, pet, family, life, live, night, easy, cart, ride, train, jet, plane, school, high, bus, crash, fun, hangout, ##### ###### water, slide, down, stairs, fall, pool, boys, girls, vs, team, win, admin, vip, beach, skate, gear, fly, race, summer, island, club, hotel, music, war, guns, a, and, fight, zombie, survive, build, to, catalog, heaven, ship, boat, race, car, tycoon, obby, battle, adventure, wave, lava, police, jail, escape, prison, kill, murder, mystery, find, run, castle, climb, for, hideout, park, sword, hide, seek, rpg, city, town, mini, game, games, dance, test, create, space, work, at, pizza, place, new, pokemon, fighting, pl

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  • Bomb the Bridge Classic

    Bomb the bridge, get better weapons, bomb it even more!

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  • Limited Universe DEV MODE

    made private due to players reporting it.

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  • Boom Game

    It's a work in progress. -Suicide currently doesn't work. Will switch it out if there's no solution -Need to fix sticky bomb. -Everything else works fine. -Need to adjust level scaling and add bp to each part destroyed. WARNING- the game may lag so you should lower your graphics settings.

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ash877 has no creations.