
  • Summer camp to the gods FINNALLY FINISHED WOOHOO!

    This is not from the (fixed the typo finally) lightning thief -------------------- Welcome to the sumer cpamp of the gods the camp in the clouds but these are not the gods you know the gods are mon45 the creator, jedi40004 the general, gamerexile501 the mechanic, and rockgirl67 i cant really think of a phrase for her and there is a fifth one on the way if you read this and you want to be that god the pm me -------------------- besides the fifth god i am not making anyone else gods thx for playing

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  • Four zones of war build fight roleplay WHATEVER :D

    Ever since anyone can remember there has been a war between the lava,ice,forest,and mountain zones it has gone on for so long nobody really knows why wage wars make alliences do whatever

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  • Six feet under

    This isnt really the types of games i build but i got the idea and decided to build it its about you died you dont know who you are and you dont know why your died but you plan to find out the reason why. there are secrets in your grave

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  • Warriors

    i decided to make my own warriors place with four of my clans so far i have HillClan and ForestClan. The clan i'm working on next is Swampclan. Caveclan is the only one that i havent started

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  • NPF-22 travel starship starbase

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mon45 has no creations.