
  • Davidii's Survival(tm) Build

    For those who enjoy building, without the trouble of maintaining your mortality. *Disclaimer: I did not invent any of this by any means. I merely recreated it so those who enjoy the building of survival303 could enjoy only that. Please realize that I have reverted back to the actual build. ------------------------------------------------------ I made everything in here, except the Bentos, but those I fixed from 202. I think I got it all. You can only Move, Copy and Delete, provided you don't take anything from the buildings everything you build here can be built in s303. Have Fun! (vote to Clean. Just say "clean") Version 1.6: Added two new items which turns whatever they touch into a living object. Still have some bugs with the death process. Also added a new island with 404 and finale items scattered about. Version 1.5: Fixed lag(Hopefully), Added Teraphyx, careful, they will hunt you down. Added Raft, Large Raft and Sail Boat If you

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