
  • pumpitup_roblox's Place

    This is your very first Roblox creation. Check it out, then make it your own with Roblox Studio!

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  • PUMP IT UP Roblox 🎵Arcade+ Rhythm + Battle

    👑 Welcome to PUMP IT UP ROBLOX! 👑 Added 12 new songs 🎵 PUMP IT UP ROBLOX is a game that implements PUMP IT UP on the popular platform ROBLOX. It was created to inform PUMP IT UP to global users who enjoy ROBLOX. 🎶 Rhythm dance game for 1-4 players 🎶 Compete with your friends for a score while listening to music 🎶 Play the game and make your own PUMP IT UP machine. 🎶 New songs will be continuously updated every month!

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