
  • [Frost Legion] - Personal Server

    Every training is going to be held here, Promotions go to those who show their best in the training. If you do not get one, you are not bad just some performed more than you. So set that as a goal to perform better! HR's are allowed tools and do not abuse them, that is why they are High Ranks. If there is a problem please contact me through message and I will respond to it as fast as I can.

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  • [Frost Legion] Training Grounds

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  • Public Meeting Space

    Welcome to our relaxed, public, and well designed meeting place. You can come here and meet whenever you desire and talk. There are no specific meetings so the rule is first come first serve. Please be courteous and allow others to have meetings as well.

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  • Creama Coffee® Store

    Welcome to Creama Coffee Cafe! Here, we serve the best coffee and other drinks to costumers to enjoy. If you wish to apply, talk to our Chief of Staff. Join our group if you have not already and make sure to keep things warm this season! Join our group today; http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=988840

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  • LordRyanRyan's Sony Apartment

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  • National Donation Bank of Robloxia

    Welcome to the national bank of Robloxia! Here you can either be a donator and donate to people that you want, or you can get donated to! Rules are basic, no getting mad at people if they don't donate what you want. Don't yell at people who cut because eventually everyone gets to the front. Donators are really kind for giving, so make sure to be very polite and kind when talking with them!

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