
  • epic mansion hangout (new zombie mansion.)

    u get to hang out and go to a lot of mansions and go to the center to swim and just have fun. dont pm me if it takes a long time to load the game. oh and no rude behavior if i see rude behavior i will ban u. oh ya the zombies dont kill ya.

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  • epic ninja training

    the best ninja training course where u can get katanas and a bow and arrow for training and kill each other. so many places to go and this is the best place to become a ninja. oh ya dont spawn kill or repedetly kill people if i see u doing that i will ban u.

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  • epic skate park ( new fire ramp)

    have fun riding ur skateboard around in this challenging skate park and try to conquer it. pm me if anything breaks.

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  • evilfartman486's summer hangout

    play around in my summer and do a lot of sports and if not just go swimming at my beach and maybe go down my epic slide. its just a social hangout in the summer and u can do a lot of interesting things.

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  • epic sword fights

    grab a lot of my wide variety of swords and go to all of the sword arenas and kill each other. please dont kill people while they r getting their swords that will get u banned and reported because it is no fun. only fight in the fighting zones. my cameras r watching u.

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  • evilfartman486's Place Number: 6

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  • my living area

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  • my neighborhood

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  • random place

    have fun in the war arena with some black hole guns. just dont kill people outside the arena that would be abusive and rude. if someone kills u outside the arena pm me and ill ban him. also go to the noob meter and see if your a noob it counts how many days u have been on roblox. also go to the lag meter to see how much lag there is in the game if it gets too high pm me and ill replace it. also for those lazy people like me who dont want to walk from place to place there r teleporters for the noob meter and the lag meter. also there is a maze with hard to kill zombies in it. the there r one way doors on the on the entrance and the exit and sometimes the zombies escape so watch ur back lol. and like i said they r hard to kill it even says so above there head lol. there is a dance floor in the center with different varieties of music and there is also a zombie song near the maze. remember DONT BE ABUSIVE.

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  • my party house

    there r a lot of party items and a huge pool. lol theres a little kiddy pool. there is a hecka good trampoline. a brown house in the corner for guests. not like guest1745 but a party guest lol.

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  • evilfartman486's Place Number: 11

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  • evilfartman486's Place Number: 12

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  • evilfartman486's Place Number: 13

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  • evilfartman486's Place Number: 14

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  • Epic Group of Randomness's group place

    this place is only for people who are in the epic group of randomness. if you are not in that group you may not come here but if you really want to come here then join my group.

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  • My Very First House

    first of all i would not mind if you asked me to build a house for you but no three stories. message me if you want a house built. there will only be a tiny bit of free models in it but the house will be made from me no free models. give me two days and it will be finished. this is the very first house i have made. some of the decor in the house is free models but the house itself was made by me. send me a message if you like my house. it was hard to make and i worked really hard on it. please fav. also dont message me if you dont like it i only want to read your positive opinion. i added a backyard and a frontyard. i also added a second story which took a little while.

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  • nuketown

    you have a flamethrower giver and a bunc of nukes. what do you do. actually the flamethrower thing odesnt detonate the nukes but its a funny gun to have in a game like this lol. anyways there is a room where you get a nuke protection suit. safety first because these are really strong nukes. start a nuke up then go to a nuke shelter as fast as you can before it explodes.

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  • evilfartman486's Place Number: 18

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evilfartman486 has no creations.