god what is this im probably gona remake this someday
cool game👍
raise a scout
there is a lack of team fortress 2 related related games on this platform. im fixing that
raise your very own scout from tf2
im not affiliated with valve in any way this is just a fan game i am a scout enthusiast
when i was a kid back in 2017-19 i used to make a bunch of really poorly made roleplay games using mostly stolen assets from the toolbox. i guess this is kind of a parody of that but also im lazy as hell and couldnt care less to make a game completely composed of my own models when the game in question is supposed to be satire so not really
most assets arent mine everything belongs to their respective owners bluh bluh bluh dont take this game seriously this totally isnt a homestuck rolepay bootleg specifically catered to me and my interests
tags half life homestuck hiveswap roleplay roleplay roleplay roleplay homestuck roleplay team fortress 2 portal epic awesome cool
basilries has no creations.
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