DISCLAIMER: This game was NOT and IS NOT intended to be historically ACCURATE.
Mostly passive based except for events...
The main objective of American Forces in Germany is to deter and to hold off and slow Warsaw Pact forces should the occasion arise, and cooler heads fail. Whilst the primary mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the German Democratic Republic is to take as much of Western Europe as possible should the Americans carry out a first strike.
1. Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Canada are the only NATO nations not in-game you are allowed to RP as.
2. Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary are the only Warsaw Pact nations not in-game you are allowed to RP as.
3. Feel free to criticize a moderator if you feel they did something wrong.
4. Do some actual uniform research on what non-based countries generally looked like so you do not come out as a fool... Seriously...
Yeah, I made it by myself. Can't touch this wehraboos.
LaGuillotine không có sản phẩm.
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