Trải Nghiệm

  • Roblox version of Mariocart for the wii

    race your friends to prove you are the master of nintendo driving!the person i feel is the best driver after a long time will have a statue made in honor of their skill

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  • ===Battle of the Cities===

    There are two cities.. Robloxia and Doomsia and you are in one of the cities and build a city barrier with many blocks or be an assasin and kill the other towns people.

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  • Sword Fight On The Heights Original II

    its for people who love the sword fight 2 map but hate all the noobish powerups

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  • Mariokart for the wii version 2.0

    now in this game its like the first one but the main purpose is to bump your oppenets to get to the top,so really its nintendo bumperkarts!

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  • Grand Theft Auto IV obstacle course (Finished!)

    fight your way through all the obstacles to prove that you are the number # 1 GTA player.the tricky thing about this course is it may seem easy at first but it gets harder as you move through the course(admin shirt is coming soon)

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  • Multi-Games Funland!!!!(working on it send ideas)

    there are a number of teleporters and each one takes you to a diifernt game like racing,obstacle course,fighting,and just talking.(pm me if you want me to add anything)

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  • World War ll Mayem!

    ok you start out on either the axis or the allies.the allies have a helicopter while axis has tanks.battle it out to see which side prevails and maybe even...change history

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  • Live On A College Campus!! (under construction)

    ok so your an 20 year old male/female attending Robloxian college in California where you are studying computer designing and i added details so you can rent books,go to classes,hang out in your dorm,and even go in the gym and play dodgeball!! not done but i have a feeling this will be my favorite place ive created!! feel free to make models to help.

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  • ===Roblox's First Amazing Horse Race===

    this place will feature horses and you use the dash button to race and it will be on a dirt track!

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